Apple's claims about recycling and sustainability are kinda entirely nonsense
Apple has always talked a good game where recycling and environmentalism are concerned. They're quick to point out that they recycle what they can and are always on the hunt for new, sustainable...
View ArticleWherein Werner Herzog gives voice to a lonely plastic bag
Werner Herzog is responsible for many strange, wonderful things. Everything he's involved in is kissed by a brutal beauty--even that first Jack Reacher movie, starring Tom Cruise. In this video from...
View ArticleTuba turned into a bathroom sink and tenor horns repurposed as urinals
Reddit user marc_urzz posted this photo of the fantastic sink in his step-uncle's bathroom. A little web searching then led me to the tenor horn urinals below. It would also be fun to use a trumpet as...
View ArticleIn the future we might paint our homes with dead Christmas trees
Lots of folks celebrate Christmas by stashing their presents under the same reusable plastic and aluminum wire Christmas tree every winter: it's a thoughtful, cost-efficient way to cut down on the...
View ArticleIndia's e-waste recycling "markets" are toxic nightmares filled with child...
Millions of tons of e-waste -- much of it from rich countries like Australia -- are recycled in India, in "markets" with terrible, dangerous working conditions and equally awful environmental...
View ArticleInside an incredible "prop library" of vintage electronics and obsolete...
Brooklyn's LES Ecology Center maintains an incredible library of vintage consumer electronics cherry-picked from the relentless flow of e-waste streaming through their facility. From hulking...
View ArticleCoffee cups made from coffee grounds
Back in 2011, I bought a new countertop made from "Curface," a composite material made from a mix of melted down used coffee cups and coffee grounds; we still have it and it's wearing beautifully --...
View ArticleRecycling center recovers $23,000 in cash that man accidentally tossed
An Ashland, Oregon man dropped an old shoebox into his recycling bin, somehow forgetting that he had stashed $23,000 in the box. He contacted the Recology recycling center in California where the haul...
View ArticleMan ordered to retrieve the refrigerator he threw down a cliff
A man in Almeria, Spain, disposed of an old fridge by throwing it down a steep incline. Thinking it amusing, he had video recorded of the act and posted to social media. It went viral, the authorities...
View ArticleApple's extension of "Activation Locks" to laptops will turn refurbishable...
"Activation Lock" is a tool that uses Apple's trusted computing hardware to render systems inoperable if you don't have a login/password; nominally, this is used for theft-deterrence, but when Apple...
View ArticleAthletes at the Tokyo Olympics will sleep on cardboard beds
The 10,000+ athletes at the Tokyo Olympics will sleep on bed frames made of strong cardboard. According to the Athletes Village manager Takashi Kitajima, the frames can hold up to 200 kilograms (440...
View ArticleWatch this ridiculous and wonderful low-budget remake of Alien, by the...
It's been five years since the recycling auteurs at Cardboard Movie Co. released "Jurassic Park: Low-budget Remake." Now they are back with the xenomorphtastic "Alien: Low-budget Remake." Were you...
View ArticleBig Oil has been lying about plastic recycling since at least 1974
NPR's Planet Money has a harrowing new story about the plastic recycling industry — specifically, that the entire thing is built on a lie that the oil industry perpetuated for decades, despite knowing...
View ArticlePolice confiscate 345,000 used condoms destined for resale
Police in Vietnam broke up a criminal ring that collected used condoms, rinsed them, and resold them, reports Reuters. The owner of the warehouse said they had received a "monthly input of used condoms...
View ArticleThe overlooked environmental impacts of the music industry
Over at The New Yorker, Alex Ross has a great review of Kyle Devine's new book Decomposed: The Political Ecology of Music. Here's the book's official blurb: Music is seen as the most immaterial of the...
View ArticleHow China ended the lie of recyclable plastic
The plastics industry did a great job of convincing everyone that their product was easily recyclable, but China finally put an end to that pleasant fiction in 2017. A 2017 memo sent by China to the...
View ArticleCreating a UV curing oven for resin using grocery bags
If you get Amazon Fresh or similar food deliveries, you are likely familiar with the silver-foil insulated freezer bags that frozen foods come in. These quickly multiply in Tribbles-like numbers. I'm...
View ArticleThe US exports its plastic waste. But now other countries are rejecting it.
When it comes to plastic, recycling has almost always been a lie. But that guilt-free plastic consumption is so built into our infrastructure and way of life that we keep insisting on living that lie...
View ArticleWatch: animation shows how much "recycled" plastic Britain dumps abroad
This animation from Greenpeace UK offers an amusing impression of UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson sputtering platitudes about recycling while plastic bottles, boxes and other trash falls like rain and...
View ArticleNew York City recycling facilities receive 1,200 bowling balls each year
Sims Municipal Recycling in Brooklyn's Sunset Park neighborhood is the country's largest recycling facility. And as Curbed recently explained, they've been overwhelmed by unrecyclable bowling balls for...
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